Friday, November 11, 2016

Did you know what parakeets eat?

Did you know what parakeets eat? Right here in this article, you can learn about parakeet eating habit you may have never heard of this animals facts

Image result for Parakeets

Parakeets in nature eat a variety of seeds, fresh fruits, nuts, flowers and small insects. When keeping a parakeet in captivity, owners should feed birdseed mixes made especially for parakeets, along with some fresh greens, fruits and vegetables. Bell peppers, broccoli, apple, lettuce and squash are all good choices. They can even be fed small amounts of cooked meats, such as chicken and turkey.
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Parakeets are a group of medium-sized parrot species. Many parakeet species can be kept as pets, but the most common is the Australian budgerigar, or budgie. Budgie parakeets are not picky, and they tend to eat anything their owners put in front of them. However, it is important to feed them natural, unprocessed foods since processed foods can be hard on their digestive systems. Other species sometimes kept as pets include the ringnecked parakeet, Australian rosella and the lorie.

Parakeets are native to warm climates in Australia, Central America and South America. Some parakeets also live wild in North America; they are the products of tame birds released into the wild. Parakeets are commonly bred to be sold as pets, rather than being captured in the wild. A female parakeet sits on approximately six to eight eggs at one time.

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Interesting cool animal facts

Interesting cool animal facts with some of their funny pics are lying in this article. Enjoy!

Fun Facts about Arctic Fox

5. To get food, arctic fox sometimes follow the polar bear and eat their fragments.

4. They have an outstanding sense of hearing and smell.

3. Most of the people think that arctic fox is just white, but in summer, their fur turns dark and blend in with the environment. This is most interesting among arctic fox facts.

2. They use their thick fuzzy tail to cover themselves to keep warm.

1. Both mother and father Arctic fox stay together to raise their babies. Learn all interesting facts you wanted right here.

Fun Facts about Elephants

5. Elephants are scared of bees.

4. Elephants only sleep 2 to 3 hours each day.

3. An elephant can smell water from 12 miles away.

2. One of the most interesting fun facts about elephants is that they remain pregnant for 2 years.

1. One of strange elephants facts is that the world’s most expensive coffee brands are made from the dung of Thai elephants.

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